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As we head towards manifesting Industry 5.0 the 5.0 HR has a compelling transition agenda to move from..

  • Mandating to Co-creating HR Policies, Processes Agendas
  • From being Process-driven to Value Driven. In a permanently white-watered world people need to be empowered to solve Problems and make decisions without having to wait for instructions and approvals at each stage.

The nimble organization learns to give broad directions and Values are already embedded in the hearts and minds of People, making them available, confident and competent to deliver.

  • Organizational Changes are driven incrementally, Co creating together, creating ownership and accountability as we co-create solutions..
  • HR transactions mostly measured by efficiency will need to now become Change Partners to the Business, work on delivering unique Employee experiences to constantly be at work to Win the War for Talent..
  • Standardization of Employee Solutions will give way to the Workforce of One- with Personalized Employee solutions to enable manifestation of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion cultures and ecosystems of Compassion and Humancentricity…

These massive and exciting shifts need the Community to come together for joint meaning-making and sharing of experiences and Best practices as we travel this journey of excellence together as a Community!

The LnOD Roundtable is all set to announce Asia’s first Communities of Practice- the LnOD Communities.
Watch this space to become part of this movement…


Leadership Lessons from Jazz Music

Dr.Sujaya BanerjeeDr.Sujaya BanerjeeSeptember 6, 2024
Leadership & Change Expert


Dr.Sujaya BanerjeeDr.Sujaya BanerjeeSeptember 6, 2024

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