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Servant Leadership was a term coined by Robert Greenleaf in the 20 th century, and refers to a style of management that is less controlling and authoritative, and more in-service of teams, creating opportunities for synergies, through manifesting employee voice, equality and empowerment in everyday decision-making.

Especially in these times of continuous disruptions with tired strategies, lack of clarity and fatigue from toxic power-centric cultures, Servant Leadership appears to be the much needed balm,voice of cohesiveness, full of respect for human contribution-this balanced mature perspective of Leadership, that has the Power, but chooses Not to Use it!

Servant Leadership involves empowering teams by
– giving them voice and encouragement to solve problems
-encouraging teams to bring in customer/ market data, so informed decisions are made and problems are solved in a speedy manner
-empowering teams and developing leadership qualities, so there are more confident leaders being groomed
-demonstrating empathy while maintaining accountability, treating young knowledge eta employees with respect,counting on their voice to solve problems.

While Servant leadership is not considered the most optimal style in a war zone, or where crisis situations require taking charge for quick decision making, life or death situations etc, this style requires giving up authority voluntarily, and choosing to Serve Teams to succeed instead. Servant Leadership is about asking…

-What synergies can we use as a team for making the most optimum decisions?

-How do we access and use meaningfully the market and customer information that the front line may have, so we can solve problems most creatively and with speed by involving them?

-How do we truly untilze the genius of each person available on our teams??

-How do I recognise, listen and respect the unique contribution of each team member by offering them a platform for involving them, so they do best what they do best everyday?

– How can I as your Leader connect you to the purpose/ goals of the organization, groom and Mentor you to become the type of Leader that becomes our unique competitive advantage?

How do I serve you everyday to become the best version of yourselves, as you trust me and the organization with your career, and inspire you to prepare and get ready for more responsibilities?

What are your views on Servant Leadership as a style? A philosophy? Do you believe our power-centric conditioning and macro ethos can make it difficult to authentically become a Servent leader? Do you agree when you are called to Lead, you are called to Serve?



Dr.Sujaya BanerjeeDr.Sujaya BanerjeeSeptember 6, 2024

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