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Have you experienced days where the Team knew exactly what needed to be achieved, you thought you had provided all clarity, and yet the Team had an unproductive day? Do you often end a work day asking- What just happened?
We seemed to be doing things all day, yet nothing much got accomplished?!!
Workplace tools intact, conversations for setting the day’s agenda intact, many ‘how to?’conversations happened and yet- not a very productive day!

Workplace productivity – actually achieving output/ outcomes continues to be a challenge across teams, is at the heart of frustration for people managers, leaders and teams, and also the reason why we invest so much airtime on themes of intrinsic motivation and discretionary contributions..

Note the images below and reflect –

– How much of what we set out to achieve in a day are Real Priorities? If you accomplished what items in the list would the day be truly Productive? Have we called this out? Bring more Focus to your Focus perhaps…

– Have we broken down tough jobs into smaller steps to provide clarity and make achievement possible? Don’t presume this even with experienced team members. Let them call the smaller steps out, let others add in..this is different from micromanaging – it’s a How? Question to estimate resources required to complete the task. Also to make it less overwhelming….

watch out for Parkinson’s law in action- work has a way to expand to occupy the time allowed for it….we are all victims of getting lesser done, expanding the job to occupy time

-last but not the least watch out for busyness vs business- Activity and Achievement is Not the same thing, but can be perceived so, even treated so..

In our High Performance Culture work at Capstone People Consulting, this is often part of the High Performance Labs to identify defeating paradigms and work practises that can so significantly be in the way of High Performance cultures….
Bet you have experienced productivity challenges within your teams? What are your hacks? Add to the list above..
#workplaceproductivity #thinkingintoresults #thinkagain #makeworkwork #focusonwhatmatters #buildjoyatwork #sustainhighperformance #highperformanceculture
Manoj Kohli Sumit Chopra Renu Bohra  Gautam Chainani Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Ananda Bhaumik. CTP, CMT, CFTe Bosco D’mello Priyanka S Banerjee Capstone People Consulting Pinnacle Learning LLP