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Do you agree many of us have compartmentalised our lives to believe Workdays are ‘No Fun’ days, and Fun or Joy happens after-work, or needs to be left for the Weekends?
That’s when you spend time with Family, meet Friends, Rest, Party, Follow your Hobbies etc. And then it’s back to the grunge of Manic Mondays…..
And now with some companies adopting shorter work weeks, we are thinking- whenever is this going to happen at my Workplace??
While workplace flexibilities are here to stay, and any Workplace which does not consider this will need to live with the peril on Talent and Retention, have we paused to consider our mental and emotional associations with Work? Sometimes it’s like being forced to go to a rigorous school- where

We need to conform
Will be instructed and spoken down to
Where we can’t be our authentic selves
Where we don’t get treated like Adults
Often don’t like our Bosses and Colleagues
See work as a necessity to get accepted Socially as ‘Employed’
Work as it’s an Economic imperative/source of Livlihood etc…

While much of the above can manifest as our real experiences, how about considering Work as a place..

– Where I Learn new things I wouldn’t otherwise know and become Smarter
– Where I meet people better than me I could learn from
– Meet fun colleagues who bring Joy and who I could also learn from personally
-as a place of Actualizing my potential
– where I get paid to learn and grow everyday
– where I have a platform to prove my Leadership and get paid for what I am doing
– where people around me- my Seniors, Peers, Teams are also struggling, uncertain, have confusions and will be victims of inadequate behaviours – like Me..
– And -I step out everyday with a skip in my Step to get back to a place of Contrubution and Character building…

I honestly feel like that even today as an Entrepreneur, but felt exactly like that even as an Employee for several years…This Post is an invitation to explore our relationship with Work… our Pre-disposition to often not expect to Enjoy the experience ……reserving Happiness for weekends, expecting someone else to evoke our intrinsic motivation to contribute…

What is your disposition to Work? What are the manifestation of ‘Life’ for you? How much of this Joy can you bring back to Work? After all, are you not spending more Time/ Life there…


adminadminNovember 15, 2022

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