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None of us can deny the mesmerizing power of Charm. Whether Movie stars, Music, Sports Stars or Political Leaders there is something gripping, almost magical about the Power of Charm.

Much as nay Sayers and skeptics may see Charm as deceptive or compensatory sometimes, for real substance- the evidence around this is contradictory to suggest that Charm is easily one of the most Powerful Leadership competencies to possess in our times.

With conflicting priorities and paradoxes Leaders are expected to navigate successfully to lead in current times, the moot question that looms larger than life in the current tumultuous and unpredictable times is- Who would you like to be Lead by? Who seems credible to stake your Career with? Whose hand do you believe you would like to hold as you make your way through the dark alleys of business challenges and know they would get you to a good place- safer from where you started out?

Unbundling Charm as a competence is tough-it is an irresistible combination of many behaviors- bullseye ability to connect with individuals and many the same time and also the ability to be likeable, credible and Great- all at the same time.

Charm is undoubtedly a powerful weapon in the armory of a Leader –

– it constitutes the ability to Influence across Levels, to drive Change, solicit support for Business and evoke Employee ship

– it’s the ability to create a magical Emotional Connect with the Leader and his Leadership

-it can create a bond that forgives mistakes and lasts beyond temporary Successes and Failures

Charm is the ability to mesmerize People to want to participate in your Greatness!

Who could personify these qualities?

To many the surge of goodness, honesty, and character you see is unmistakable in the case of Barack Obama- not just well qualified for the No 1 job, but gracious, ever-charming, always saying and doing the right thing- Statesmen- like but warm- demonstrating Gravitas with equal Vulnerability.

Or the unforgettable day ex-Prime Minister David Cameron lost the Brexit vote that caused his own exit before anything else- watch him address the British Parliament on what could have been his worst day professionally and see what I mean!

Grace under fire, British humor intact as he passes the Baton onto his Successor. Or Howard Shultz of Starbucks. as he speaks of his days in abstract poverty and gives it the same dignity as his journey of building the most successful Coffee chain the world!

And then there are so many there in the entertainment industry- Elvis Presley, Al Pacino, Meryl Streep, Amitabh Bachchan, Shahrukh Khan…

The problem with using Movie stars as benchmarks is that most of us may confuse Charm for Good looks/ Movie star attributes.

But Charm goes beyond Good looks- it’s infact a magical quality that sits like the proverbial cherry on the pudding that constitutes Competence, Gravitas, Statesmanlike behaviors, Great Communication and Power and yet the ability to evoke great connectedness through the distance!

It lies in the ability to get People to ‘participate in YOUR GREATNESS’- like they own it, want you to succeed, feel gratified with your success and experience a magical joy being Lead by you!!

Can Charm be developed? Jordan of Art of Charm insists that Charm can indeed be developed. The AOC unbundles Charm into 4 Parts-

-Static- which is your physical appearance. It constitutes fitness, nutrition, sleep and how inspiring your outer body appearance can be to evoke positive energy. This does not constitute beauty or physical good looks- it constitutes a body presence that looks fit and healthy. Easy?

-Dynamic- which is your Body Language- ease with which you carry yourself- your Confidence and Energy both key attributes.

-Physical Presentation- which is your Attire and Grooming which has got to be presentable. This is NOT about being super trendy- it’s just about caring for your appearance, being dressed well/ smart and presenting a well-groomed look!

-Circumstance is where you place yourself Socially, your confidence to interact, not being Socially reluctant or inhibited and at the same time not be a gregarious Centre stage. But someone who will confidently access the right people, build rapport easily and befriend People- besides being both amicable and impressive- the same time!!

‘Charm’ is often considered an attribute in the unexplained, esoteric domain – a personality edge some people have, and some don’t.

As you can see here it is eminently developable and an obvious key ingredient to becoming a Leader by Acceptance NOT a Leader by Appointment!

Being and Becoming Great and then having the ability to make each one you Lead feel like wanting to participate is your Greatness- what else is that than the kind of Leadership we need in Corporates- the kind of Leadership we indeed need in the World?!!

In the next Blog we will explore Compassion within Organizations and the need to go beyond intention. Keep reading….


Leadership Lessons from Jazz Music

Dr.Sujaya BanerjeeDr.Sujaya BanerjeeSeptember 6, 2024

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