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The problems the world faces today are grave. Poverty, disease, climate change, threats

to national and global security- all tests for even the greatest of Leaders. In such times, it may seem prudent to forget about art, music, literature and languages. But in Seymour’s words quoted above, ‘Humanities capture the Heritage of human experience.’ And more so, in the midst of conflict and division, humanities can prepare leaders with empathy, imagination and understanding,  and  pave  way  for

The Humanities: An aspect of leadership conversation

In our complex and innovative world, we need more leaders of imagination, understanding and emotional intelligence- men and women who will move beyond polarizing debates, and possess the gumption to truly tackle the challenges being faced by us. To cultivate such leaders, it is imperative to value and invest in humanities. The Humanities, perhaps leading to a breakdown in reflection, self awareness and comparison. Professor Jagdish Seth of Emory Business School lamented the absence of the same valuable education when he said, “Business   should   be    open   for Humanities where ethics are taught.

Students from Humanities have a fundamental affinity towards ethics.” Or like Jodie Foster said, “An education without the Humanities would be like waking up in a desert island with no senses, no memory, no reason… lost Inside yet guided by the illusion of certainty. What an awful fate!”

For those still wondering about the hosannas for the humanities consider this, what happens when you read a novel? Engrossed in the narrative, you are invited to imagine the world from a character’s perspective. You think about the interplay between a person’s desires and actions. When you listen to music, go to the theatre, visit a museum- you have an emotional response- one that connects you with other people, sometimes from another time, another place, and with newer perspectives. To lead a life without philosophy, literature, history, psychology, sociology is akin to living a life without context. Only through the Humanities can we prepare leaders of empathy, imagination and understanding- responsive and responsible leaders who embrace complexity and diversity. In the current, volatile, and uncertain world, leadership can be a lonely place as knowledge of the past is no longer a linear extension, adequate for the future. What other than doubt, inability to grasp the complexity, the ‘what got me here won’t get me there’ syndrome- insecurity to admit that you are indeed out of depth for the Job!! Why should anyone be led by you when You- the leader, are in doubt?

An inspirational poem by Robert Grave that celebrates Doubt

He is quick, thinking in clear images; I am slow, thinking in broken images.

He becomes dull, trusting to his images;

I become sharp, mistrusting my broken images, Trusting his images, he assumes their relevance; Mistrusting my images, I question their relevance. Assuming their relevance, he assumes the fact, Questioning their relevance, I question the fact. When the fact fails him, he questions his senses; When the fact fails me, I approve my senses. He continues quick and dull in his clear images; I continue slow and sharp in my broken images. He in a new confusion of his understanding; I in a new understanding of my confusion

The power of Theatre

Leadership in VUCA times involves learning- integrating a new lens, a new world view through reflection that poetry, literature, theatre can evolve. Theatre is particular, is a powerful and an underutilized medium in the corporate world. As most competencies are in the domain of people, relationships, diversities, perspectives, deeply held values, and assumptions that can adversely impact collaboration. Theatre can be a powerful medium to enable reflection through ‘Mirroring’- through evoking emotions, empathy for the protagonist and his/her dilemmas, challenges, joys, sorrows, disappointments. Further, Theatre can evoke powerful emotions that get the audience to question assumptions, beliefs, values and evolved a new world view to stretch, accommodate a new perspective. Leaders need the nutrients of humanities to become holistic, caring leaders, wholesome, mature, demonstrating gravitas. The humanities offer great benchmarks for character, sacrifice, and keen insights on derailment and Failure. The Humanities can INSPIRE- Action/ Risk/ Fairness/ Love / Care/ Empathy.

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